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  • Road Safety | Spacing Angels

    Spacing Angels OUR VALUES Learn more The road users' protection is at the core of the company's activity. The protection of people must be achieved by exploiting the potential of connected objects. We aspire to become a major player in discussions on mobility offers, in order to find solutions ensuring better security. You do not feel safe enough on the road ? Are you worried about other drivers' behaviors ? We introduce to you...

  • Our team | Spacing Angels

    Our team Standing together by a common interest, the safety of road users; each team member has a key role in our project! Philippe Baucher CEO/CTO & Founder Jean-Pierre Perrin Deputy CTO Daniel Mareque Operational Marketing Manager Iris Yao Communications Manager Antoine Cohen Student - R&D Engineer Our partners They support us Advisory Board Wojtek Swiatek CIO at Dassault Systèmes Fabrice Dupont Si3f Administrator & Investor - Business Angel Noël Lamoratta Automobile Engineer Jean-Pierre Perrin Software Expert at Dassault Systèmes Accompaniment & Funding Accompaniment structure Accompaniment & Funding Catherine Huynh Lawyer Data Protection Act Design Office specialized in mechatronics Industrial Property attorney Accompaniment & accounting

  • Demo | Spacing Angels

    Demonstration Target architecture The target architecture of our device is made up of three parts: The SpangBox, a standalone smart box, which analyses the situation and notifies the following vehicle The SpangApp on the user's phone which controls the SpangBox and manages information transit The SpangServer which receives and stores the anonymous information ​ Herewith a model of the SpangApp's landing page : Mock-up A validation model was built to prove the technical feasibility. ​ We are currently developing a prototype and we are looking for potential partners to industrialize a version that can be integrated into the majority of private vehicles. Illustration In order to have a more accurate idea of how our innovation works, you can now view an illustrative video of the latest version of our prototype Technical analysis These images display the current version of the real-time image analysis software in action. Through machine learning, it is able to analyse snapshots of the road and infer intra-vehicle distance. The SpangBox on the road ​ To keep track of vehicles behind a car (or any four-wheels vehicle), the SpangBox is placed on its rear window with a suction cup fixation system.​ Images of the current version of the SpangBox mounted on a car during a driving sequence. Images of the current version of the SpangBox during an electric scooter testing sequence ​ To keep track of vehicles behind an electric scooter (or bike), the SpangBox is placed on the backpack of the rider with a clipping fixation system.​ Futurs developments Spangbox on public and private buses​ ​ ​ In order to protect travellers, a SpangBox with an adjusted display can be placed at the back of a bus. ​This is especially relevant for school buses. ​ ​

  • Contact | Spacing Angels

    Do you wish to know more about the offer ? You can get in touch with us, pre-order our device (no immediate final engagement) or consult the answers to the frequently asked questions: Contact us Do you have any questions, remarks or anything else you wish to share with us? Would you like to be notified once the product is available? Do you wish to become a supporter, take part in the project, put forward a partnership? Right this way: Are you a ... * Natural person Association Company Administration If you are a company, please specify the latter's name: Express your intention to acquire the device Subscribe to our newsletter (1 per month at most)! Send Thank you for getting in touch with us ! FAQ How much place does the device take? Does it interfere with the vision of the rear window? The box is composed of a 5'12in x 5'12in display screen, a camera with its telephoto lens and a electronic control unit. Thanks to its size and position behind the rear passenger's headrest, the box allows the driver to keep a perfect visibility of the back of the vehicle. What incentives would encourage you to adopt the system? We are actively seeking to work with insurers to become a recommended solution for the protection of private vehicles (price reduction). In addition, we are also looking for agreements with highway companies which the device will make safer (reduction on electronic toll badges). Is the device legal? Does it respect privacy and image rights? The images taken by the device's camera are erased after being processed; they can be kept blurred and/or encrypted for quality control reasons. The use of the device is therefore in compliance with the GDPR rules and the Data Protection Act. What is the impact of the device on the vehicles behind? The device is entirely pedagogical and is not connected to a police denunciation network. Its objective is to protect the user by reframing the following driver's behavior.​ The vast majority of drivers who see the warning messages will adapt a conciliatory attitude. However, the vehicle equipped with the device should avoid exposing itself to unnecessary risks. Thus, it is always recommended to indicate with your lights if you want the vehicle behind to overtake you.

  • About Us | Spacing Angels

    About Baucher Etudes & Conseils Saving lives through connected devices Conceived in 2020, Spacing Angels is an innovative idea that aims to save thousands of lives by reducing rear end car accidents using an educational dissuasive device that promotes safe distancing on the road. Our goal Born in 2020, Baucher Etudes & Conseils is a start-up focused on designing and studying innovative solutions for road safety. Our goal is to protect people by implementing these innovative and caring solutions that explore the potential of the internet of things. We work earnestly to become big players in the industry of the future of mobility to find ways to increasy road safety. Our product We make vehicles smarter by making road users' journeys safer with our new invention: Spacing Angels! ​ ​Spacing Angels has the ability to save lives beyond our borders. Thus, we have filed an international patent in order to extend this innovation in all countries where it is applicable. Our journey A short but intense history; our genesis dating back to 2018, our team is already thinking about its activities in 5 or 10 years! Multiple innovations are yet to be developed and enhanced. Here is a summary of the most significant events since our creation. Our ecosystem The birth of an innovative product requires the right place and the right people. Click here to meet the team and the partners that work hard to make Spacing Angels an international success. ​ ​ Click here to meet our team

  • Product | Spacing Angels

    There exists an excessive number of rear-end collisions in high speed roads that could be stopped. ​ Did you know that 43% of road accidents or even 15% of personal injury accidents are linked to a rear-end collision? ​ ​ Failure to maintain a safe distance from other vehicles is one of the major causes of highway accidents. ​ Insufficient distances are often unintentional or the effect of a temporary irritation and sometimes just needs a kindly reminder so that the driver can get back on track. ​ ​ Do you think that vehicles following you are at a sufficient distance for you to not feel threatened? Challenge We propose : Spacing Angels Our value proposition is an on-board educational radar to dissuade drivers who follow too closely. Our primary goal is to allow drivers to get back on track in a benevolent way by informing them about the risk taken that they do not measure appropriately. However, a reminder at a fixed location is not enough, but a reminder at the right times is. A patent has been filed (with an international extension) to protect the innovation. A stand-alone smart box attached to the rear glass of the vehicle using suction cups. ​ The box is composed of a camera with telephoto lens, an electronic control unit and a display screen. ​ The box is controlled by a mobile phone application. Our product How does it work ? The device projects at regular intervals the icon of a video surveillance camera surrounded by a red square. ​ Once the car has surpassed a certain speed, if the car behind is too close, the icon of the 2 cars is projected with the distance between them in miles (or meters) and seconds. ​ In addition, if the distance goes under a critical threshold (high chance of collision), the box displays the distance in an alarming mode. Simple mode Alarming mode Demonstration

  • Privacy | Spacing Angels

    Privacy We respect your privacy and will to end any engagements you do with us. Our newsletter will only be sent to you if you agree to it and you can quit it at any time. Save & continue

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    Newsletter Spacing Angels Suivez nos avancées en vous abonnant à notre newsletter mensuelle Entrez votre adresse email Chez Baucher Etudes & Conseils nous respectons la vie privée et le droit à l'image, tout comme votre liberté de choisir de vous engager avec nous. Notre newsletter ne vous sera envoyé que si vous acceptez de la recevoir, ainsi vous pourrez vous y désabonner à tout moment. S'INSCRIRE Votre inscription est confirmée, merci! Fermer

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