There exists an excessive number of rear-end collisions in high speed roads that could be stopped.
Did you know that 43% of road accidents or even 15% of personal injury accidents are linked to a rear-end collision?
Failure to maintain a safe distance from other vehicles is one of the major causes of highway accidents.
Insufficient distances are often unintentional or the effect of a temporary irritation and sometimes just needs a kindly reminder so that the driver can get back on track.
Do you think that vehicles following you are at a sufficient distance for you to not feel threatened?
We propose : Spacing Angels
Our value proposition is an on-board educational radar to dissuade drivers who follow too closely.
Our primary goal is to allow drivers to get back on track in a benevolent way by informing them about the risk taken that they do not measure appropriately.
However, a reminder at a fixed location is not enough, but a reminder at the right times is.
A patent has been filed (with an international extension) to protect the innovation.
A stand-alone smart box attached to the rear glass of the vehicle using suction cups.
The box is composed of a camera with telephoto lens, an electronic control unit and a display screen.
The box is controlled by a mobile phone application.
Our product
How does it work ?
The device projects at regular intervals the icon of a video surveillance camera surrounded by a red square.
Once the car has surpassed a certain speed, if the car behind is too close, the icon of the 2 cars is projected with the distance between them in miles (or meters) and seconds.
In addition, if the distance goes under a critical threshold (high chance of collision), the box displays the distance in an alarming mode.